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Episode 36: How to Start A Podcast 101

podcast Nov 24, 2019

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I’ve recently been asked several times how to go about starting a podcast so today I want to talk about how to do just that. I also want to give you a little insight into why I thought I would NEVER start a podcast due to a slight stutter. I’ll discuss my reservations about it, what I’ve learned from podcasting and also the how-to steps any future podcaster should take. It’s a really good way to connect with your future customers and get a lot of information easily out to the masses. I’ll also go through the editing process, so let’s get started.

How Do I Make A Podcast?

I’m sitting here in my painting studio using a mic, however, most of the interviews are done with the built in iPhone mic over Facebook Live. I was a little hesitant to record this way because the quality isn’t what you’d get when listening to those other really high-quality...

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