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Quit Your Day Job

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2023

Welcome to the Quit Your Day Job series within the Artist Academy Podcast. This series of interviews highlights artists who have recently taken the leap into full-time creativity in order to share their stories and tips with other artists hoping to do the same. 

*All links are associated with Apple Podcast but episodes can be found on all podcast listening platforms.

326. Quit Your Day Job with Summer Paradiso <- Click to listen! 

Making that leap into full-time creativity after spending years working for someone else can be a rollercoaster of emotions, but Summer Paradiso is handling it with supreme optimism. Summer joined the Academy around a year and a half ago and started absorbing all of the art+business content to get a full understanding of what it would take to sell her art and promote her business to the point of supporting her family with a paintbrush. With two toddlers at her side and a full-time teaching position to fill her day, Summer made...

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#49. Residual Income Systems

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2019

How To Set Up Residual Income Systems In Your Art Business

What is residual income? To me, it means you're done with trading time for dollars. However, don’t believe the myth that you can set some kind of residual income machine up and it works for you while you sip fruity drinks on the beach. That just isn’t real. What is real is thinking smart and working hard to set up systems in your business that allow you to profit without trading time for dollars. In this podcast episode I uncover the methods behind how I started and continue to grow my $7 Print of the Month Club


First off I’m going to go over the residual income systems I know, the ones that I have personally used and highly recommend. 

At the heart of this topic today is: PRINTS!

I cannot talk enough about what prints can do to your business. It is the perfect way to make an original piece stretch so much further. I have already recorded a full podcast episode all about how you can go...

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#48. Increase Your Art Sales With 3 Tier Pricing

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2019

This podcast episode uncovers what 3 tier pricing is and why it might be smart to consider this method for your art business. The psychology behind why people buy art often has to do with the price point almost as much as the visual aspect. You could be ignoring an entire segment of customers by not taking perceived value into consideration. Listen to this podcast episode for clarity on the 3 tier pricing subject. 

Tier examples: (Prices may vary)

Tier 1- High prices, a select few number of buyers. 

Example: Original artworks with a $1,000+ price tag.

Tier 2- Middle prices, a variety of buyers.

Example: Canvas or paper prints between $100 and $1,000.

Tier 3- Low Prices, everyone can afford this.

Example: Small prints, stickers, magnets, mugs, totes, etc.. selling for less than $100.


Now that you know what tiered pricing is, I’m going to talk about WHY it’s important.

Offering only 1 tier is completely ignoring the buyers on the other tiers. 


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How to rock at holiday window painting!

Uncategorized Nov 28, 2019

First off, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you're not online on Thanksgiving day, but I just couldn't help myself by giving you a quick reminder of how to increase your art sales now that we are into the Christmas season...

Holiday window painting is an easy YES to a business because who doesn’t like to show off their Christmas spirit?! Seriously, this is one of the easiest pitches you will ever make and NOW (the few days following Thanksgiving) is the best time to do it.

I believe in this strategy so much that I made a short PODCAST EPISODE all about how to pitch, price, and paint some holiday spirit on those windows! 

Actually, listen to it tomorrow. Enjoy today with your family! 

AND to make it even easier, I made you a holiday window painting flyer template!
(Whew, that's a mouthful.)

Click HERE to download the template!

Just customize it and give this flyer to any business you approach about painting their windows!

+ I wanted to give a quick...

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Episode 36: How to Start A Podcast 101

podcast Nov 24, 2019

 Listen to this episode and all episodes at!

I’ve recently been asked several times how to go about starting a podcast so today I want to talk about how to do just that. I also want to give you a little insight into why I thought I would NEVER start a podcast due to a slight stutter. I’ll discuss my reservations about it, what I’ve learned from podcasting and also the how-to steps any future podcaster should take. It’s a really good way to connect with your future customers and get a lot of information easily out to the masses. I’ll also go through the editing process, so let’s get started.

How Do I Make A Podcast?

I’m sitting here in my painting studio using a mic, however, most of the interviews are done with the built in iPhone mic over Facebook Live. I was a little hesitant to record this way because the quality isn’t what you’d get when listening to those other really high-quality...

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The 5 Things You Need Before The 4th Quarter

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2019

In order to take FULL advantage of this upcoming 4thquarter, it is my belief that you need to have a few key elements in place in order to move forward and make the most out of this holiday season! These things are fairly simple and really something that every artist should have even if you’re in the very beginning, but I feel like a few of these might surprise you.

 LISTEN to this entire post plus descriptions of each item in the Artist Academy Podcast episode titled: The 5 things you need before the 4th quarter.

Take a guess what do you think they should be? Moving past the obvious “must have art” foundation, the next 5 things are also essential for any growth. It is my tested belief that as long as you have the fundamentals down, the rest is just up to how hard you work. How bad do you want it? Are you willing to put the extra time in to do the things that will eventually lead to a sale? Or do you just want the instant gratification? Okay let’s be...

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How To Make $1,000 in 1 Day

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2019

How to make 1k in 1 day-


How does someone make $1,000 in 1 day? That's the big questions. Now, I know you’re reading this because those zeros on that title caught your eye and before I dive into it, I just want to preface this with a one thing: Getting your mindset right and welcoming abundance into your life and saying, “I AM capable and I can do this” is the first part to achieving anything you want.

LISTEN to this entire post by tapping play on the Artist Academy Podcast episode: $1,000 In 1 Day

I want to talk a little bit about mindset because you can do all of the things and apply a lot of the strategy but until you have that mindset of, “I am capable of anything” or, “It’s okay for me to want to make money”, untll you have those mindset shifts, it’s going to be a lot harder to complete anything. You’re going to be battling yourself maybe saying things like well success came to her or him...

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